Dr. Michael Thiel
Dr. Michael Thiel can refer to 24 years of management experience in TOP 20 global pharmaceutical companies like Bayer, Merck Sharpe&Dohme and Daiichi Sankyo Europe in the areas of operative and strategic marketing, business development and licensing. Three years of project management at the Healthcare Competence Center at Roland Berger Management Consultants complement his excellent track record in the Life Science industry. Since 2009 he is working as cooperation partner and freelance consultant with SANEMUS AG.
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Michael Thiel – Professional career
- Since 2009 Partner of SANEMUS AG
- 1998–2009 Vice President Strategic Marketing and Business Development Europe, Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH (Munich)
- 1995–1998 Project Manager at the Healthcare Competence Center of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH (Munich)
- 1990–1995 Marketing Director, Merck Sharp & Dohme GmbH (Munich)
- 1986–1990 Etat Director Healthcare, Ogilvy & Mather Healthcare GmbH (Duesseldorf)
- 1982–1986 Management Trainee Bayer AG (Leverkusen) und Product Manager Nimotop at Bayer Pharma Deutschland GmbH (Leverkusen)
- 1979–1982 Research associate at the marketing department at the University of Bonn (Prof. Dr. H. Sabel)
- PhD in marketing of the University of Bonn
- Studies of Economics at the University of Bonn, Diploma degree in Economics